Friday, August 21, 2009

My first trip to ZOO...........Yipeeeeeeeee !!

Finally after much planning and pursual from mom, we all visited zoo. I'm too young to understand all the animals and birds but was a welcoming change to see animals i have seen only on my crib bedding, or book in live. I loved giraffe and panda the MOST!! few pics to get the glimpse of fun i had :)

1 comment:

sonia said...

“Ansh, I am sure you had a field day at the zoo. Ansh , you write very beautifully and compose also in depth, where did you learn. I don’t think you have started going to school.

To Mom- I must say your child is a real sport. Congratulations on the breaking of small furniture items like flower vase. My best wishes to both of you. Happy days growing up with Ansh as parents. "