Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What an eventful week!!!

Let me warn the weak hearted, this story is not for you guys. This week was full of surprises for me and my parents. First of all I took my first baby steps on sunday, which even though being a delightful sight for my mom and dad, caused some initial trouble.

I don't know what caused me to leave my mom's arm and run toward a piano toy without any support but surely it's linked to my love and liking toward my second prefrence in life (first being food offcourse) - MUSIC. My intention was very clear, reach out to piano and play some harsh/hard rock that will prompt dad to get his lazy butt out of the comfortable couch and compel him to start playing with me.

Mom greatly appreciated my attempts, not sure if dad was even bothered to take a look at my giant leaps. During one of my attempts, I stretched my right leg little more than I could afford at this beginner's level. This misadventure lead to a big fall and yikes, my face got the direct hit from my beloved piano. Result, no surprises, a big cut on my lower lips caused by one of my upper incisors (i have 4 right now and 5th is on his way out). oh, I forgot to tell you, I was having pear at that time :), and when mom took me up after the accident she saw a piece of pear and thought i have lost one of tooth in the accident. Panicked, she called the nurse helpline and reported that i have lost my tooth. Luckily later on when a count of my teeth was done, my parents breathe their sigh of relief.

Here's a video of me attempting to walk, and yep i've also learnt to say "mamaa"...three cheers for two achievements in one week...hip hip hurray !!!